Who are you?

On day one, we will explore topics like profiling, bias and identity by playing games with our personal data. We start with a data request. Under the GDPR law, European citizens have the right to access their data and see what data companies collect. Most big tech companies have an automatic procedure here, so receiving the data will take only a few minutes. Legally, they need to share this within 30 days.

We will play three games with our personal data during the workshop. The goal is to start a conversation about personal data, context and interpretation and to learn about ourselves (through the lens of data) and get to know each other. We’ll be working with Google data since this is a rich source (think about Google Maps, Search and YouTube) and probably everybody uses Google.

Julia Janssen is an artist, researcher and public speaker. Through performative and interactive installations she makes her audience aware of the underlying infrastructures of data-driven technologies, such as informed consent, bias in AI, the right to be forgotten and so on. Her work takes you on a visual journey and explores how to deal with fairness, autonomy, freedom and democracy in a data-driven society.

She is also the Ambassador of the Dutch Data Protection Foundation (Stichting Data Bescherming Nederland (SDBN)) in the lawsuit against Twitter & Amazon, an International (guest) Teacher, and creator of the Achter de klik & HyperClick Podcasts. Recently, Janssen won the title Rise25’ one of the world’s 25 visionaries who are making the Internet and the world a better place. This price was awarded by Mozilla, in honour of their 25th anniversary.