Juicy Refuge: spaces to hide and spaces to shine — Simon(e) van Saarloos

Welcome to the Studium Generale Rietveld Academie website! To encourage critical making and thinking, Studium Generale offers a diverse and transdisciplinary programme every year on an urgent theme. Read more about the set-up and structure here.
This website consists of 3 substantive and informative layers that constantly feed each other.
The Programme Overview home page displays announcements of ongoing events and activities, and provides instant access to their live streams when appropriate.
Below the Programme overview is the Archive Picks area, which presents varying selections of older programme contributions, curated by guests or by ourselves. Older contributions can thus regain attention or meaning, or be presented in alternative arrangements.
At the bottom is the Archive. There you will find material from 2011 to the present: part of the video-recorded contributions to the annual conference of Studium Generale and since March 2020 also recordings of events and presentations of the preliminary programmes. The archive is searchable in various ways and offers a chronological overview of previous editions and links to the associated project websites. It also contains announcements and descriptions of previous programme components, which can no longer be relived, but do provide some glances in the histories of the Gerrit Rietveld Academie.
The purpose of the website is to inform and present what is happening at the moment, but it is also a memory, in which a lot can be found and unexpected encounters can take place.
Have fun and sign up for the newsletter!
N.B. This website is still under construction! Not everything has been completed yet and the search functions in the Archive are not yet fully functional.
Human and more-than-humans seek refuge because of war, terror, hunger, exploitation, climate change, or through structural forms of everyday oppression and exclusion. You find refuge in a camp, bomb shelter, safe space, in a body, state of being, state of mind. Or you refuge in a (self-chosen) family, community, movement, or collectivity.
This edition of Studium Generale considers the phenomenon of refuge not only as a concrete and physical construction in a violent or toxic reality, but also as a potential affective space or a caring body. It looks at how restrictive systems (ideologies, states, institutions, academies, machines…) flow and leak unpredictably, from which lines of flight can arise.
From there, how can we harbour and connect bodies and create refuges for affective and dissident voices?
Project website: https://refuge.rietveldacademie.nl
Weekly Wednesday afternoon programme at the Rietveld
Jan. 18, 25; Feb. 8, 15, 22; Mar. 8, 15
14:00—15:30, Talks and performances curated and hosted by Simon(e) van Saarloos with Bebe Berat Bebek, Fedlev auditorium
16:00—17:00, Beamclub screenings curated and hosted by Jo-Lene Ong with Bo Wang, Fedlev auditorium
17:15 —19:00, Workshop with Yara Said
17: 15 —19:00, Reading Group moderated by Jay Tan, Rietveld Library
Lexicon written by CPR
Reader with Rietveld Library, edited by Amelia Groom and Anja Sunhyun Michaelsen
Special projects and collaborations:
Basicyear project I & II with Taka Taka
Dedicated website, design and visuals with Graphic Design student team
Rietveld Uncut exhibition, curated and coordinated by Tomas Adolfs & Tarja Szaraniec
Conference-festival and Rietveld Uncut at Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam March 24, 25, 26, 27
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