D’Ette Nogle
D’Ette Nogle, FKA: A MESSAGE FROM THE ARTIST, 2021 (still). Courtesy the artist.
D’Ette Nogle’s FKA: A MESSAGE FROM THE ARTIST is a reflection on reckoning with privilege, blind spots, and the colonial legacies that continue to inform institutional structures. The installation consists of two videos projected in parallel. fka 12-2021 shows a propaganda film titled Scenes from American History that was made by the US intelligence service in the 1950s. In ndg 12-2021, the artist revisits an earlier work: her contribution to Sonsbeek 9: LocusFocus in 2001. Following on from this, and through a collage of images, text, and voice-over, the artist reflects on how the past can and should be revisited, and what the artist’s role and responsibility in this process might be.
4 pm: introduction by Melanie Bühler, curator contemporary art Frans Hals Museum, followed by the screening of the work (ca 60 min)
5.15 pm: Talk by D’Ette Nogle and discussion
D’Ette Nogle is a multidisciplinary artist holding an MFA from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and earning a living as a public high school teacher. Installations, sculptures, videos, and performances explore the structural and economic conditionality of art production as well as narratives of artistic and educational labor. Video works are densely researched and material-laden, collaging a multitude of facts, power structures, works of literature and art, celebrities, theorists, and personal reflections. Recent exhibitions include Time Without End, Fluentum, Berlin (2021); When there is no laughing matter, laughter matters, Halle für Kunst Lüneburg (2021); Maskulinitäten, Bonner Kunstverein, Bonn (2021); ˙|˙, Sweetwater, Berlin (2020); Bleeding Canvas, Bodega (now Derosia), New York (2019); and D’Ette Nogle, 2019, Hannah Hoffman, Los Angeles (2019). Nogle lives and works in Los Angeles.
D’Ette Nogle, FKA: A MESSAGE FROM THE ARTIST, 2021 (still). Courtesy the artist.