What is it like to be an eel? Imagination, Representation and Direct Experience
Sheng-Wen Lo
We may have been living near the sea, but do we really know what is going on beneath the water surface? If not, how do we navigate our relationships with others that are not accessible by senses and subaquatic probes? From hermit crabs in Taiwan to European eels in the Netherlands, Sheng-Wen Lo explores the possibility of (re)connecting with oceanic non-humans through creative interventions.
SHENG-WEN LO’s works investigate the relationships and dynamics between non-humans and contemporary society, often taking daily experiences as points of departure. As a maker his practice comprises still/moving images, installations, video games, and various media. During his residency at the Rijksakademie, he joined the European eel research team at the Embassy of the North Sea, and created a sensory-based escape room ‘F/EEL’. Sheng-Wen Lo has been teaching in Kunstakademie Karlshule in Germany and HSLU in Switzerland; his recent projects were shown in Foam Fotografiemuseum, EYE Filmmuseum, World Press Photo, and Marineterrein Amsterdam in The Netherlands, MMCA in Korea, UCCA in China, National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) in Australia, and Taiwan Biennial at NTMoFA. He received fellowships from